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Greek Life…More than the party

In my opinion, philanthropy is an overlooked aspect of life.  Greek life is no different. The common perception, to the outside world, is that it’s all about the parties. That’s not what it is to me. When I learned about Strongest Hearts, the idea of a fundraiser through my fraternity was conceived. Originally I just wanted to raise a little money but when it came time to plan the event, I realized that research towards a cure for muscular dystrophy was something that could hold value among a large community at the school. We decided to go bigger and get the entire fraternal community involved to really spread Strongest Hearts’ message throughout campus. At first, I wasn’t too sure how the event would go because it has been difficult to raise funds among the fraternal community for non-school-sponsored events.  
However, I have been proven very wrong. 
Throughout this process, I have been blown away by the immense support Strongest Hearts has received from this community. Yes, the intention of raising money for a great cause has been a success, but seeing the community come together to achieve one goal has been what stood out to me the most. This unity solidified in my mind that this is a cause people really care about, and I am grateful for the opportunity to be a part of such an impactful event. 
USC, thank you so much for your support throughout this event. Your generosity and support have blown me away and for that, I appreciate each and every one of you who have contributed. With only a few days left in the contest, I want to wish everyone good luck and I hope we can finish strong.  

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